Monday, December 21, 2009

My Little Owl Nursery

Here they are! Pictures of my little owl nursery!  The only thing I'm still shopping for are a new ceiling light, a round rug and I also need a cover for the changing pad.
This gorgeous cradle was handmade by David twenty-five years ago for the birth of his first daughter and we are fortunate to be able to use it for our grand-babies! I just love it-and Andrew is loving it, too!
The set of four black and white signed owl drawings were an ebay purchase I made several years ago when my owl obsession began.  The cross-stitch  sampler was salvaged from attic hiding--I stitched it almost thirty years ago!
I just love this color I painted my old porch rocker-it's called cherry jubilee! Yummy!  I made the cushion to match the whimsical owl print of the cradle bedding. The dog hand puppet was salvaged from the attic and belonged to my kids (Jenni was terrified of it!).
A little baby owl pillow I made for the nursery! Cute cute cute!


Andrew's favorite thing in the world right now-my hand made dragonfly mobile hanging above the changing pad I made atop the dresser.  These dragonflies might look familiar-they are re-cycled from Jenni's bridal shower. I strung them with fishing line along a branch from the back yard.  Andrew loves to ooh and ahh as they spin and dance above him!

Another shot of the dragonflies with my cute little owl collages hung on the side of the book shelf.

This is the book shelf in the corner behind the rocker. David made the wooden fire engine and the airplane years ago in one of his wood shop classes-I think Andrew will love them!
A closer look at all my favorite books! And below: a close up of the owl garland hanging on the shelf that reads "BOOKS".
The owl garland is made from card stock, glue, stamps and twine. I might add another above it with the word "READ". Adorable.
One of my favorite books by Jane Yolen, "Owl Moon" and an adorable green frog that belonged to my mom chilling out.

Above: Some of my art work (which I had a lot of fun with) and an old tree-frog puzzle from Nathan's childhood I hung on a peg board.

I call the collage I made from newspaper, paint and glue "Owl Eyes".  This one is done in blue, brown and yellow-another above the changing table is done in red, orange and brown. I painted the "blue owl" in watercolor.
Another owl done in watercolor and framed for Andrew. I'm going to do one for each grandchild and fit it to their personality.  This owl has big sweet eyes that remind me of Andrew and pretty fall leaves to commemorate his October birthday. That's our beanie baby friend, "Skunkie" beside him.
This is a close shot of one of my owl collages and a giraffe that belonged to Jenni; he stands guard over the changing table.

Another watercolor owl awaiting a frame and the old Fisher-Price xylophone that belonged to my kids. It was missing its music stick so David made me a couple in his shop!  Great idea-now we can make music together!
  This little wicker chair belonged to me as a baby and was then passed along to my children and will now graces the owl room for my grandchildren!  I even made it a brand new owl cushion!  The little Fisher-Price ride horse was Nathan's first Christmas present (from 1980)!
Frog's friend, Tree Frog, chilling on the window sill. I love the idea of filling the room with all kinds of animals!
Atop the window, our friend Brown Bear (all the beanies were found hibernating in a box in the attic, left over from my kid's beanie crazed days) and a little owl I stitched up.  The song bird print is another paper collage I made-the clouds are made of the sheet music to the hymn, "Sing Praise".
Last but not least, a soft little owl I stitched and stuffed to hang on the door knob. Shhhh . . .

This is a really small room but I think it's going to be a fun and magical place for the grand kids to sleep and play and imagine!  And it didn't cost me much to create-a little material, some fresh paint and a few frames! Lots of the other items were brought to new life from their long dark hiding in the attic or created by me with a little imagination!

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